Sunday, October 4, 2015

It seems the children have become familiar with their environment, daily schedule, and their classmates. Being the Line Leader and Candle Snuffer are responsibilities the children look forward to. This week the children will be introduced to a few more responsibilities such as watering the plants, pencil sharpening, dusting the shelves. These will be done weekly with a partner.

We will finish with our apple tasting this week. Scarlett Obrien brought several different varieties for us to try. Thank you to all the parents for contributing to tasting circles, and food prep & serving for the children to learn these valuable skills in Grace and Courtesy.

We are ready to begin our Sound of the Week and Sharing Circle. Starting on Mondays we will talk about a letter and the initial sound that letter makes. This Monday our sound is "c" as in cat, cup, and candle. I will have a tray with objects that begin with the sound "c" and a wooden letter of "c", we'll talk about these items and gather more words from the children during circle. 

For Sharing Circle the children can bring an item from home that begins with the sound of the week. For instance this week the sound is "c", they can bring a cup, candle, toy cat, cap, something that begins with the sound "c"!
Thursday sharing children are Tatum, Heidi, Julia, Heather, Jacob, Aiden, John, Bella, Leighton.
Friday sharing children are Kathleen, Frankie, Grayson, Lucas, Mila, Zoe, Scarlett, and Clara. If you have any questions please email me.

In zoology we will talk about the "Spider" and follow up with a booklet on the Parts of the Spider.

In Science the children will learn about living and nonliving things.

Our food prep and serving will be chopping the celery and using a spreader for the cream cheese!

Have a wonderful week,
Ms Karen

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