Tuesday, March 8, 2016

March 6th, was the 4th Sunday of Lent!

This week we are reading about Mayra she is 11 years old, and lives in Honduras. She was shy and didn't always like school. Then her teacher noticed Mayra wasn't always doing her homework. She didn't always understand her math and reading lessons. However her teacher invited Mayra to join a CRS-sponsored tutoring program. Now, Mayra is proud of her reading and math skills!

We also talked about the recipes from each country. We have watched a few videos of children at OLF making these meals with their friends and family. If you would like to do this with your child please send me the video and we can share it with our class!

We are learning about the Digestive System! The path the food takes as it travels through the body and what happens to the food they eat when it is inside of them.

Sound of the week "l" as in Lamb, Lion, and Llama.

I will introduce wood polishing, and plant washing in the practical life area this week.

Sensorial~ Rough and Smooth Boards

Math~ the 1,000 Bead Chain counting by tens

Langauge~ more pin punching, metal insets, and pencil sharpening (manual)

Have a wonderful week,
Ms Karen and Ms Lois

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